If you love Midwest Crossroad Chorus and want to see this amazing group of women thrive, we'd like to invite you to become a sponsor. The additional income helps us reach out to new, young talent in our community. Click here to see our current sponsors!
Midwest Crossroad Chorus is affiliated with Sweet Adelines International, a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law - please check with your tax advisor concerning the tax deductibility of your gift.
Ways To Support Midwest Crossroad Chorus
Attend one of our shows!
Purchase Butter Braids, or any of our various other periodic fundraisers.
Simply make a donation using Paypal, if you'd like!
You can always contact us at [email protected] for more information about any of these.
Additionally, Midwest Crossroad Chorus of Sweet Adelines International is listed as a charitable organization with the following companies:
Search for Midwest Crossroad Chorus at any of those sites. See additional information below or contact our fundraising coordinator at the email above for more information.
If you are looking for a T-shirt that expresses your attitude, or a bling-y proclamation of your favorite Sweet Adelines chorus, Gold Medal Ideas is your one stop shopping spot. And when you use this link, Midwest Crossroad Chorus benefits at the same time!
Join Shop with Scrip and use our enrollment code LLE317586L789 to sign up. Order all the physical cards, eGift or Reloads you like. There is an additional S&H fee for physical cards.
We also deliver Singing Telegrams!
Give the gift of music and support Midwest Crossroad Chorus all at once with Singing Telegrams. The chorus gets together around Valentines Day and Mothers Day to call your special someone, and then sing a great song for them. Also available are birthday, anniversary, and Christmas greetings, Do you have a different occasion? You choose from a list of songs in our repertoire, provide the contact information and let us know what time is good to reach your special person. They'll be in for a unique treat!
Your Contributions Help!
Contact us to see what is in our repertoire that is appropriate for your event!